Planning charity Christmas fundraising campaigns... in the height of summer! You're not alone, and top tips for staying sane

It's early September and many of you charity fundraisers will be looking at Christmas campaigns in advance of the winter fundraising season. And it’s still beautiful, warm and sunny outside.

Feels odd?

We know the feeling as we work on the DSMAC (DontSendMeACard) platform around the year. This means that we’re also looking at winter themes on the Christmas fundraising side of things, during beautiful sunny days.

To help you get past the “I can’t look at Santa hats and elves and then go to the beach for an ice cream” mindset, we’ve a few tips…

Tips for feeling sane looking at Christmas campaigns in summer time:

1. Feel what you see – cold!

The one benefit of looking at winter scenes and snowmen in the heat is that it can cool you down, mentally at least. Think of it as a positive!

2. Think of it as reminiscing

If you’re looking at Christmas themed stuff, rather than think “urgh I can’t handle Jingle Bells in a heat wave”, change your mindset and think of it as reminiscing of the nice times you’ve had at Christmas, rather than the one coming up (which you are of course not enjoying right now).

3. The results will be worth it

DSMAC is HUGE at Christmas time. This is a fantastic opportunity for your charity to gain a year-end win with e-card fundraising. It’s minimal investment on your part and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results. Think of enjoying the result, and not the subject or theme.

4. Check out your previous card performance

Be sure to check out which of your card designs performed the best for previous Christmas campaigns. You can do this from the charity dashboard under Card Performance. This then gives you a positive reference point for creating new designs, or which to keep and which to scrap. Rather than "I can't think of Christmas themed cards right now when all I want to do is go swimming and have a BBQ!".

5. Doesn't have to take long

Creating designs and setting up campaigns doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking for months on end. So it’s a relatively small time investment for a worthwhile Christmas campaign. Think of it as a quick trip to winter wonderland and then it's back to ice cold drinks and lazy summer evenings by the beach.

Are you new to fundraising with DSMAC?

You may well have landed here as a charity fundraiser unfamiliar with what we do in the charity space. We're an innovate platform built for your charity to receive donations in lieu of greeting cards. You can find out more about us here:
About DontSendMeACard
• A New Income Stream For Your Charity
• Charity Documentation


It is a bit strange looking at Christmas stuff in the heat, we totally get it. But we hope this makes you feel better about it.

Enjoy the rest of summer!

Posted by Alex Furness, September 2024

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