Easily stay on top of special occasions with our user friendly dashboard.
To create an account simply send your first e-card with us and we’ll send you a welcome email to access your very own account dashboard.
Hint: Our minimum order is £1 / $1 if you just want to try it out
Send your e-cards from one central dashboard and stay in control of your special occasions. Re-access your orders anytime and even invite your friends.
Access full delivery reports for each of your e-card sends. Track if they are sent, opened, or bounced – with guidance of how to fix e.g. an incorrect email address.
One of our most requested features is to schedule e-cards ahead of time. You can now do this... Schedule your cards as you go, or for the entire year ahead!
Track your carbon reduction with 140g saved per greeting card not sent. Monitor your donation total too and be amazed at how much sending cards adds up to.
Got a PayPal account? Great! Make a quick donation in lieu of cards to your charity and we'll invite you to get setup on our system.