Corporate Christmas e-cards

Send e-cards to customers and contacts and donate the cost of producing a printed Christmas card.

Company christmas cards

Send e-cards in 3 steps

1. Choose a charity
2. Compose an e-card
3. Donate the cost of sending Christmas cards

Carbon savings

Powerful features for companies


Upload your company logo and feature it within your e-card so customers instantly recognise you.

CSV upload

Compile your contact list into a CSV and upload your list securely and send to everyone in one batch.

Track delivery status

View the delivery status of each of your e-card sends, and fix incorrect email addresses.

Carbon Savings

Save 140g of carbon for every greeting card not sent by making a responsible choice this Christmas.

Send customers and contacts Christmas e-card artwork created by your charity

Orangutan Christmas ecard
Christmas ecard
NSPCC business christmas cards
Roald Dahl corporate xmas ecards
Roald Dahl Christmas ecard
Thames Hospice Christmas ecard
Dogs Trust company Christmas ecard
Season's Greetings christmas card
Orangutan Christmas ecard
Royal Navy Christmas ecard

How it Works

Send corporate e-cards

1. Make your donation

• Select an e-card image
• Write a personal message
• Donate the cost of cards via PayPal or credit card

Company logo ecard

2. Send your e-cards

• Upload your company logo
• Upload your list as a CSV
• Send now or schedule for later

Ecard received

3. Your e-card received

• Customers receive an e-card HTML email
• Your company brand is featured
• Info shown about your selected cause and their work

Account features

Full visibility into the send status

Your e-cards won't just disappear into the ether with DontSendMeACard. Track delivery status of your cards.

Track delivery

See if cards are sent, opened, or bounced and how to fix

Carbon savings

See how much carbon has been saved from your donation in lieu of Christmas cards.

Carbon savings for companies

140g of carbon is saved for every greeting card not sent

Schedule your company greeting

Keen to get your Christmas greeting sorted? Schedule your e-card to go out on a date of your choosing.

Schedule company ecard

Schedule your corporate e-card with our free account version

Pricing and volumes

Corporate e-cards from £50

When you donate as a company there is a minimum donation of £50 and you are then assigned a volume of e-cards to send based on how much you give.

Cost per e-card for companies

£1.00 per card on donations of £50
£0.88p per card on donations of £51–£100
£0.66p per card on donations of £101–£200
£0.50p per card on donations over £200


You can go to this example page and input a donation amount in the field ‘Or enter any custom amount’ to calculate the volume you’ll be able to send.

Example volumes received

£100 = 113 e-cards
£150 = 225 e-cards
£200 = 300 e-cards
£500 = 1000 e-cards
£1000 = 2000 e-cards
£1500 = 3000 e-cards

Using your volumes

You can re-access your order anytime to use up your assigned volumes. You can also schedule your company e-cards to go out at a later date. For more info check out our FAQ.

International payments
The same volume rates displayed above apply when giving in USD, CAD, AUD, and EUR.


Uploading your logo

• JPEG file under 1mb
• Maximum width of 300 pixels

Uploading your CSV

• Ensure it is saved in the MS-DOS format
• First cell should be blank or entitled 'email'

Edit between sends

Edit who the e-card is From and the Message between sends when using your assigned volume.

Display amount

Opt to display the amount donated in lieu of cards when sending your e-card.

Do I need permission to use my customer contact data?
Yes. You need to ensure that your company has permission to forward your customer contact data to a third party – in this case the customer email address to for the purpose of sending them an e-card. If you do not have permission or you are unsure you can send yourself the HTML email and forward it on via your own email client.

Example custom e-card

Send your own branded company e-card design

Use your own e-card design

• Supply a 1200x1200 pixel e-card image
• JPEG or looping animated GIF file
• Receive a custom order URL featuring your artwork

Find out more about supplying your own corporate artwork


Corporate responsibility


The perfect option for corporate business’ at Christmas time and certainly a lot less hassle than printed cards to send out.

Jaclyn Dinnan

Personal Assistant to General Manager NZ, Sanitarium
