3SG-Connect Bath eCards | DontSendMeACard.com

3SG-Connect Bath charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to 3SG-Connect Bath. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 1181029

About 3SG-Connect Bath

Connect Bath provides events and activities to tackle loneliness and prevent social marginalisation across the BaNES area.

Every year we provide a freshly cooked festive lunch to anyone who would otherwise be alone on Christmas Day, supporting their wellbeing through conversation, connection and companionship.

With 3SG we also run an annual #ChristmasCompassion Card competition. Local School children individually design cards with a hand-written message inside which are delivered to someone in need, to brighten their Christmas.

Learn more at https://www.connect-bath.org/