Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity charity eCards

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Charity Registration No. 1089657

About Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity

We support children under 5 years old from Surrey, Sussex, Kent and South London with cerebral palsy, chromosome abnormalities and rare genetic disorders that cause physical impairment. Many of our children have additional needs such as visual and hearing impairments, speech and language difficulties and issues with eating, drinking, and respiration. These affect the development of their cognitive, communication, and social skills.

We aim to give our children the best possible start in life, opening the door to a brighter and more independent future. We are the largest early intervention organisation of this type in the Southeast and the only one open all year. We provide free, highly skilled, early intensive intervention services to help children achieve as much independence as possible. We also provide families with the support, advice and guidance to continue their child's development at home. There is no formal diagnosis needed to access our free services.

Learn more at www.dvlcc.org.uk