Exeter Science Centre eCards | DontSendMeACard.com

Exeter Science Centre charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Exeter Science Centre. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 1194239

About Exeter Science Centre

Exeter Science Centre (ESC) is a STEAMM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts, Maths and Medicine) education charity with a mission to educate, motivate, and empower the public to make a difference in the world.

We work across the South West, running projects and events to connect the public with research and industry linked to global issues – so that we can all work together to tackle them. In parallel, we have ambitions to create a network of science discovery centres in the South West, beginning in Exeter and Barnstaple, to house our organisation and reach more people more regularly.

Learn more at https://exetersciencecentre.org/