Hector's Greyhound Rescue eCards | DontSendMeACard.com

Hector's Greyhound Rescue charity eCards

Send eCards and donate the cost of cards and stamps to Hector's Greyhound Rescue. Choose a category below to view all designs for that occasion.

Charity Registration No. 1168327

About Hector's Greyhound Rescue

Hector’s Greyhound Rescue is devoted to rescuing & rehoming ex racing Greyhounds & other sighthounds. As a Registered Charity, Hector’s rely totally on the support & fundraising efforts of volunteers & the kind donations of the public to fund our work. Greyhounds are rescued by Hector’s for a variety of reasons, many are in desperate need of help. Hector’s Kennels are a sanctuary providing loving care where they can have a period of re- adjustment before they find their forever homes.

Learn more at https://www.hectorsgreyhoundrescue.org/