Pathological Demand Avoidance Australia Inc. charity eCards

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Charity Registration No. IA59851

About Pathological Demand Avoidance Australia Inc.

Our Charity provides information, support, and training for individuals and families living and working with PDA.

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a rare and complex profile of Autism, currently with no official knowledge base in Australia. PDA has been acknowledged in the Autism CRC's National Guideline for Autism Spectrum Disorders, however, this is the only form of official documentation in Australia to acknowledge it's existence but also not providing any action.

PDAers are going undiagnosed and misdiagnosed, resulting in professional supports that are unsuitable and can compound difficulties.

This complex profile presents as severe anxiety which can result in shutdowns or meltdowns that are verbally or physically aggressive. Lack of support can lead to increased risk of unemployment, detention, psychiatric admissions or similar, and often at high risk of substance abuse, self-harming or suicide ideation.

These individuals need our help with awareness, recognition, and availability of supports!

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