Black and Blue Charitable Company charity eCards

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Charity Registration No. 1155743

About Black and Blue Charitable Company

Black and Blue raises money to directly help people affected by violence. We do this by teaming up with recognised groups who offer support to victims and we make a big difference with small donations!
For example ... we have bought phones for trafficked women, toothpaste, shampoo and shower gel for women fleeing domestic violence and nice warm PJ's for their children. We help staff working to get people at high risk to get safe quickly - we have paid for taxi and rail fares and sometimes a safe place to stay for a night for a family at very high risk from domestic violence.
Sometimes we do something just to make people affected by violence smile. For example, our Domestic Violence is Pants campaign gives free new underwear to victims of violence regardless of gender. Having underwear that isn't associated with bad stuff is just a nice thing to do for people who have had a bad time.

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