Living Options Devon We empower disabled people to live the life they choose. Living Options Devon works across the South West to ensure that people with disabilities, long-term health conditions and Deaf British Sign Language users can live active, independent and fulfilling lives. Each year, over 10,000 people along with their families and caregivers, benefit from our services, encompassing training, volunteering, outreach projects, and accessible support services.
Led and run by disabled and Deaf people means that we understand the everyday issues they face. For over 30 years we have established trust and credibility within the community. A significant 57% of our Board of Trustees, 60% of our staff and around 73% of our volunteers have disabilities or are Deaf, granting us an intimate understanding of the daily challenges they encounter.
Projects: Our projects include:
• Counselling - free, professional, accessible counselling service available either in person or online.
• Countryside Mobility - safe access to the countryside across a network of all-terrain mobility scooters.
• Deaf Wellbeing - providing wellbeing opportunities, peer support, information to reconnect the Deaf community.
• Sight & Hearing Service in Northern Devon providing specialist equipment advice to people with sensory loss.
• Time to Talk - peer-led telephone and online support, to help people feeling low or disconnected to make positive change.
• Travelling with Confidence – practical training to build long-term confidence when using public transport;
• Victim Support - emotional and practical support to victims of crime.
• Engagement and Devon Disability Voice - enabling people to have a voice on issues that affect their lives and be involved in developing the support services they need.
• Advocacy – lead organisation providing independent, professional advocacy for the Devon Advocacy Consortium.
• Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training for Learning Disabilities and Autism – lead delivery organisation.
• Waiting Well - non-clinical support, signposting and information for people on hospital waiting lists to manage their condition.
• Business Services - a range of accessibility services for businesses including access audits, consultancy, disability awareness and/or Deaf awareness training.